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Flexible Licensing can transform sales models for Workstation Based Design Software.

Licensing for Workstation Based Software

One application area that has steadfastly resisted the move to SaaS is Workstation/Desktop Design solutions. Most CAD/CAM, PDM, and Engineering Management applications in industries such as Manufacturing, Architecture, Building Management, Energy and Utilities, Mechanical, Structural, and Electrical Engineering are still largely resource-intensive and are suited better to local, On-Premise deployment Licensing for Workstation Based Software…

On-Premise deployment models should not be an impediment to innovating with new business models. Most vendors are actively reviewing ways to achieve this by offering more flexibility in terms of Subscription options, Custom Packages, Managed Trials, and more Self-Service for customers. These are all good ways to increase Revenues and improve Customer Relationships, but they will fail if the underlying Licensing System is not fit for purpose.

Many legacies licensing systems are cumbersome to use, expensive, often require additional hardware/dongles, and are actually a barrier to doing business. The problem is mainly the lack of flexibility for customers and this has been put in focus very clearly by the move to home working which requires dynamic license management.

Even with the move to hybrid cloud/desktop solution models, high-value Workstation based applications will always require proper IP protection and Licensing Controls. Providing this with real flexibility can only be addressed by modern cloud-based licensing solutions.

InishTech’s Software Potential is a flexible Cloud-Based Licensing Service that can revolutionize how you interact with your customers. All Licensing Models including Subscriptions, Floating/Network, User-Based, and Managed Trials are supported without any requirement for additional hardware.

Inishtech already works with many leading Workstation Software companies, including several AutoCad Partners, to provide a flexible licensing environment that helps provide the benefits of a SaaS business model for traditional On-Premise deployments.

Workstation based applications are here for the long term and IoT solutions will also see the re-emergence of On-Premise/local software deployment. If companies have been considering upgrading/replacing legacy licensing models, now is a good time to re-evaluate options and look at removing barriers to sales and increasing revenues and customer satisfaction.

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